If during the Policy Period, the Insured Person sustains Accidental Bodily Injury which directly and independently of all other causes results in Death of the insured person within twelve (12) months from the Date of accident, then the Company agrees to pay the Sum Insured stated in the respective section of the Policy Schedule to assignee, as the case may be, (as per the Proposal Form read with the provisions of Section 38 Insurance Amendment Act 2015) and in the absence of an assignee to the Insured Person’s Nominee or legal representative, provided however in case the assignment is partial assignment/conditional assignment, then the payment of Sum Insured upon Death of the Insured shall depend upon and subject to terms and conditions of such partial assignment/conditional assignment. 

If you sustain Accidental Bodily Injury during the Policy Period which directly and independently of all other causes results in permanent total disability within twelve (12) months from the Date of accident, then we agree to pay the Sum Insured as specified under the Section II – Permanent Total Disability of the policy schedule. For the purpose of this cover, Permanent Total Disability shall mean either of the following: i. Loss of the sight of both eyes ii. Physical separation of or the loss of ability to use both hands or both feet iii. Physical separation of or the loss of ability to use one hand and one foot iv. Loss of sight of one eye and the physical separation of or the loss of ability to use either one hand or one foot 

If you sustain Accidental Bodily Injury during the Policy Period which directly and independently of all other causes results in Permanent Partial Disability within twelve (12) months from the Date of accident, then we agree to pay the percentage shown in the table below applied to the Sum Insured as specified under Section III -Permanent Partial Disability of the policy schedule 

If the Permanent Partial Disability is not listed in the table, then the disability percentage certified by the Government Civil Surgeon would be considered for claim process. We will pay the percentage shown in the certificate, applied to the Permanent Partial Disability Sum Insured. If more than one Permanent Partial Disability loss has resulted due to accidental Injury, the claim amount payable for all such losses put together should not exceed the total Sum Insured as opted by the Insured under this section. 


The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to cover you, if you are Hospitalized for a minimum period of 24 hours on the advice of a Doctor/ Medical Practitioner because of Accidental Bodily Injury sustained during the Policy Period, then we will pay the In-patient Treatment - Medical Expenses for the below listed items up to the Sum Insured as specified in the policy schedule, subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and exclusions of the Policy 

Room rent, boarding expenses 

• Nursing 

• Intensive care unit 

• Consultation fees 

• Anesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre charges, surgical appliances 

• Medicines, drugs and consumables, 

• Diagnostic procedures, 

• The Cost of prosthetic and other devices or equipment if implanted internally during a Surgical Procedure. 

• Physiotherapy expenses as recommended by the treating Doctor 

Coverage under this section is extended subject to Death and / or Permanent Total Disability is opted under base cover 

Global Personal Guard Policy excludes Death or Permanent Total Disability caused by accidental bodily injury whilst engaged in Adventure sports (Please refer General Exclusion no 4, 7 and 8 under General Exclusions). However, on payment of additional premium, you can opt for the Adventure Sports Benefit optional cover which shall provide you with a benefit amount in case of Death or Permanent Total Disability caused by accidental bodily injury whilst engaged in adventure sports in a non-professional capacity and under the supervision of a trained professional. For availing the cover, you should have opted for Section I Death and/or Section II Permanent Total Disability sections under the base covers. You can extend this optional cover to Section I Death or Section II Permanent Total Disability or under both the sections. However, the Sum Insured for this cover shall be limited to 25%, 50% and 100% of the Sum Insured of Section I: Death or Section II Permanent Total Disability subject to a maximum of ` 1 crore. You will have to exercise your option of the Sum Insured and the base covers to which the Adventure Sports Benefit optional cover shall be extended at the inception of the policy It may be clarified in the event of Death or Permanent Total Disability claim under the policy due to accidental injury whilst engaged in Adventure sports, the Company’s liability shall be limited only to the Sum Insured mentioned in the schedule for the Death and/or Permanent Total Disability against the Adventure Sports Benefit optional cover. 

The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to pay the expenses incurred for ambulance transportation in an airplane or helicopter for rapid ambulance transportation from the site of first occurrence of the Accident to the nearest hospital arising within the policy period and due to your sustained Accidental Bodily Injury which directly and independently of all other causes results in emergency life threatening health conditions. The claim would be reimbursed up to the actual expenses subject to a maximum sum insured as shown in the policy schedule, subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and Exclusions of the Policy.

Specific Conditions: 

a. Return transportation to your home by air ambulance is excluded. 

b. The expenses for Air ambulance transportation are restricted within India Only. 

Coverage under this section is extended subject to Death and / or Permanent Total Disability is opted under base cover

The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to provide coverage if we have accepted a claim under Section I: Death or under Section II: Permanent Total Disability, then we will make a onetime payment of sum insured as specified in policy schedule, towards the cost of education of your dependent children, subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and Exclusions of the Policy 

Specific Conditions: 

a. The dependent child/children must be studying at an accredited educational institution on the date you met with an Accidental Bodily Injury. 

b. The age of dependent child or children should not exceed 25 years 

c. The Sum Insured mentioned in the Policy Schedule is the total amount payable for all Dependent children collectively and not per child basis. 

The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to cover your sustained Accidental Bodily Injury within policy period which directly and independently of all other causes results in you being in a Hospital in a Comatose State, within one (1) calendar month from the Date of Accident, then we agree to pay the lump sum benefit as specified in the policy schedule, subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and Exclusions of the Policy. 

Coverage under this section is extended subject to the Permanent Partial Disability is opted under base cover 

If You meet with an Accidental Bodily Injury during the Policy Period which directly and independently of all other causes results in Permanent Partial Disability and it completely prevents you from performing each and every duty pertaining to your employment or occupation for a minimum period of 1 month. In such an event, We will pay the amount commensurating with your contribution in EMI of your loan account specified in the Schedule of this Policy, provided the claim is accepted and paid under your Permanent Partial Disability Section and subject to a maximum of the Sum Insured as shown under the policy schedule for this Section. We will stop making payments when We are satisfied that You can engage in Your Occupation again, or when We have made payments for a maximum period of 3 months beginning from the date You met with the Accidental Bodily Injury, whichever is earlier, The EMI amount payable under this Section would not include any arrears due to any reasons whatsoever.

Subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and Exclusions of the Policy 

The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to cover your sustained Accidental Bodily Injury within policy period which directly and independently of all other causes results in Fracture/s of Bone/s, then we will pay the percentage shown in the benefit table below applied to the Fracture Care Sum Insured, subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and Exclusions of the Policy. For an Accidental Bodily Injury where more than one of the circumstances described in the Benefit Schedule is met, we will pay the benefit on a cumulative basis provided the liability of the company on a cumulative basis shall not exceed the sum insured stated against this section. 

The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to cover your sustained Accidental Bodily Injury within policy period which directly and independently of all other causes results in Hospitalization then we will pay per day benefit amount for the period of Hospitalization as shown in the policy schedule, for a maximum period of 60 days per Policy Period, subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and Exclusions of the Policy 

Coverage under this section is extended subject to Death and/ or Permanent Total Disability is opted under base cover 

The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to cover your sustained Accidental Bodily Injury during the Policy Period that results in your Death or Permanent Total Disability within 12 months and the claim is accepted and paid under Death or Permanent Total Disability Section for you, then we will pay an amount commensurating with balance outstanding Loan amount of your loan account specified in the Policy Schedule as on the date of accident, subject to a maximum of the Sum Insured as specified in the policy schedule for this Section, subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and Exclusions of the Policy. The outstanding Loan amount would not include any arrears due to any reasons whatsoever. The claim payable under this optional cover shall be in addition to the benefit payable under the applicable Base Cover. 

The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to cover your sustained Accidental Bodily Injury during the Policy Period which directly and independently of all causes temporarily and completely prevents you from performing each and every duty pertaining to his employment or occupation, then we will make a weekly payment as per the weekly benefit amount shown under the heading “Loss of income due to Disability from Accident” in the Policy schedule, subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy. We shall make weekly payment/s for the disability period as specified by the treating doctor for a maximum period of 100 weeks and the maximum weekly benefit payable would be limited to 25% of the monthly income subject to a minimum of `1,000 per week and maximum of ` 50,000 per week. 

The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to cover the following: 

a. If due to an Accidental Bodily Injury sustained by the Insured Person during the Policy Period, the Insured Person has been transferred to the nearest hospital from the spot of Accident by an ambulance service offered by a healthcare or ambulance service provider, we will reimburse the actual expenses incurred for ambulance services. 

b. We will also reimburse the expenses incurred on an ambulance offered by a healthcare or ambulance service provider for transferring you from the Hospital where he/ she was admitted initially to another hospital with higher medical facilities provided that: the treating doctor recommends the transfer of the Insured Person to a higher medical centre for further treatment. 

Provided that the maximum amount payable by us in respect of (a) and (b) together or singly shall not exceed the Sum Insured as shown in the policy schedule, subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and Exclusions of the Policy 

Coverage under this section is extended subject to Accidental Hospitalization is opted under optional cover’s 

The Global Personal Guard Policy is extended to cover your sustained Accidental Bodily Injury within the policy period which directly and independently of all other causes results in you being in a Hospital which is outside the City/town of his/her usual place of residence as specified on the policy schedule, then we will reimburse the travel expenses of a Family Member maximum up to the sum insured shown in the policy schedule, as below:

a. The actual cost of economy class transportation by the most direct route via a common carrier subject to the maximum Sum Insured as specified on the policy schedule against this cover , subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions and Exclusions of the Policy. 

b. For this purpose, family member shall mean spouse, parent, Children above age of 18 years, sibling and in laws of the insured. 

c. The claim would be triggered under this section provided we have paid the claim for accidental Hospitalization for the insured person